So for not even a whole year and the very studio that I’ve grown to call home is now gone. It’s really too much to get into, but we’ve pleaded our case, have gone back and forth with the landlord and ultimately they just shut us up and told us to leave within a week. I’ve had to take all my stuff elsewhere temporarily till i can find a new studio to go to. Fortunately Northern Contemporary is looking for a new place and I’ve told them I’m down to come with.
The whole thing felt so surreal to me, it was so sad and disappointing. Now the way other artists are reacting towards it, i’m not really sure how to feel about it all. Anyway, looking back at everything i did there, I can’t believe how much I got done. that was my very first solo show, sold a lot of my merch there at the Parkdale Flea, and made a lot of talented friends. I created a life drawing session and had drink and draws, which really started a community. I was happy cause I was in an environment where I could create.
But the interesting side of this all is, I am all about new beginnings. I have so much experience in starting fresh and approaching something with a better foot forward. I’m super excited with what’s ahead and what will happen now that anything can happen really. Especially with this whole Pandemic happening, it gave me a lot of time to focus on specific things that possibly are more important. But one thing though that i need to get back into is drawing.